3 Key Tactics You Need to Include in Your Video Marketing Campaign.



Getting started on your video marketing campaign and a bit lost as to what to say and what to avoid?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. At Summit Web we know the potential to generate new customers and revenue video has for Perth business, and we also know that producing lead generating videos is no walk in the Park.

Indeed, with 300 million hours of video being uploaded to web every minute crafting a successful campaign requires an incredible amount of planning. So before you even consider hitting the REC button it’s essential that you make sure that you’re video is:


1. Answering a question and providing solutions.


While it may strike you as being a fairly straight forward point – you would be surprised by the amount of times this keyaspect of video marketing is completely overlooked.

In fact, we’ve seen that a lot of businesses just start making videos because they feel they have to, without giving much thought as to what they’re actually producing.

And this can result in a lot of hours (and dollars) spent with little to no return.

What? Why? I thought all video was good video.

You’re actually half right. Yes video is massively important (read about why in our expert round-up).

BUT if you’re not providing relevant information to your potential customer, they’re going to stop watching (or even just not start at all).

In fact a lot of research shows that you have only 10 seconds to engage your audience before they check out.

But you can easily stop this common pitfall from affecting your video marketing campaign by simply answering a common question that you find your customers have. By providing them a relevant (and usable) solution you’ll:


a) Look like an expert and

b) Secure their trust.


The great news is that you probably already know what these common questions (and solutions) are.

For example – say you are running a carpet cleaning business and you’re finding a lot of customers ask you: “is it even possible to clean a dirty white carpet?”. This is a your video.

So before starting a video marketing campaign, take a minute to sit and think – “What are the common problems my customer faces? What is the information they need? What are the solutions”

Jot down these thoughts and make sure that they are the focus of your video.

**Had a good think and struggling to come up with anything? Or running short of ideas? Check out the comprehensive guide to creating killer online content for quick and easy ways to discover exactly what solutions you customer needs.


2. To the point.



So you’re comfortable that you know what your customer needs? And that you can provide a video with the solution?


However (as strange as it may sound) this is where a lot of businesses videos can come unstuck.


Basically because you know too much. Amazing right?

How many videos have you watched where the person knows so much about the subject they simply never get to the point. The answer (probably) is very few, because within a few seconds you would have clicked off and found another video.

“A lot of viewers WON’T stick around and wait for you to reach the point.” Neil Pattel

Unlike a real-life customer, your online market of viewers are free to leave whenever they want. So the lesson here is that you need to get to the good stuff quickly.


Our tip:

When you are planning for your video make sure you take the time to write down the key points that give your viewer the solution they need. Then stick to them.

While it may be great that you know how a minute difference in microfibre and pigmentation is why white carpet is so hard to clean – it’s simply not relevant. In fact it could cost your business precious leads.


3. Understandable.



This is an extremely overlooked point, and another one that seems to get a little lost in the production process.

“Much like number 2, this mistake frequently happens when businesses simply know too much – they’re too involved.”

Think about it. If you’re working all day everyday in a business your passionate about your going to be living, breathing, eating and sleeping it. You’re going to know the latest news and all the jargon. You know that a Dyson Cyclone V10 is going to strip a Shark Navigator Lift-Away Professional NV356E on 10 mil white shag.

But we can almost guarantee your average video watcher and potential customer won’t.

And that’s why you need to grade your language to your customer.

Our tip: The Mum Test.

Pick a friend that knows nothing about your business and run your video script past them. Chances are if they get it, your customer is going to get it too.

The even better news is that by cutting out the tech and keeping it simple you’re going to ensure that your video stays short, concise and convincing.

Last but not least…


Our quick guide on what to avoid in your video marketing campaign.


Ok so we’ve gone through a couple of quick tips on what to include in your video (and how to say it) but what about the things to avoid?

Here’s a little list of the common pitfalls we see all too often:

1. Talking about your business or yourself (too much). Okay it’s great (even essential) to mention your business in your video – but when you need to remember that your making a video for potential customers, you want to talk to them.

Out Tip: Always tell them how you can help, or how they can achieve a solution with you.


2. Mentioning price. A video marketing campaign is not a TV commercial. And while you are using it to sell your business, you are not necessarily using it to sell things from your business. Adding prices to your videos is a sure fire way to make people feel they’re being ‘sold to’ and leave potential leads feeling cold.

Occasionally (very occasionally) it can work – but unless you’ve gone over it with a professional digital marketing team that specialises in video, we advise you to steer clear.


3. Low audio (or poor audio quality) – Not exactly a content thing, but it is worth mentioning simply because this is the killer of videos. If you can’t hear what your’e saying, you can’t hear what your saying.

Our Tip: While hiring an expert video marketing team will eliminate this problem, but if your filming yourself we recommend investing in a half decent microphone.


And that’s it! Of course there are plenty more, but these are the major deal-breakers that we’ve seen tank even the most professional marketing campaigns.

Remember – keep it short and keep it simple and always keep your customer’s need as your focus. If you’re starting a first video marketing campaign – or just want some tips on how to improve your current one give the guys at Summit Web a call, our doors always open to Perth businesses that want some friendly advice or well researched expertise.

Get in touch today

Contact us today to learn how we can help with your project.
Sean (Winston) Mann

Sean (Winston) Mann

Sean is a digital marketing coach and content designer at Summit Web. He started his career as a journalist but soon found his passion lay with helping businesses grow online. With extensive experience designing and managing successful digital campaigns, he is a go-to for businesses that want to maximise their leads online. Never one to rest, you'll catch him taking in music around town or even in the airport lounge.

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