by summitdeveloper | Oct 20, 2017
WHY NOT BUS. After starting their dream tour business, the Why Not Bus team were looking to create a fresh and functional website that not only spoke to their clients but, importantly, was able to secure them steady traffic from organic search. In an ultra-competitive...
by summitdeveloper | May 30, 2017
ORACLE GROUP. Oracle Group came to Summit Web looking for Search Engine Optimisation Services. Having a bad experience with their existing SEO provider, the business was looking for someone they could rely on to provide high-quality results in a competitive market. As...
by summitdeveloper | May 29, 2017
PROJECT DESCRIPTION. WA Stoneworks wanted to create a digital presence that generated leads to its limestone retaining wall business. Not having a website before they approached Summit Web, we designed and effectively marketed a new website that not only looks and...