4 Massive SEO Hurdles (And How to Overcome Them)
At Summit Web we’ve been in Perth SEO for a while. And over the years we’ve seen the same hurdles come up time and time again. These aren’t just minor tweaks, these are the things that will stop an SEO campaign in its tracks.
The good news?
They’re all totally fixable (and avoidable if you’re just starting your campaign)! All it takes is a little knowledge and planning.
LEARN HOW TO RANK TODAY! With Our Step by Step Guide to Lead Generating SEO.
So, lets get to it: Here are our top 4 biggest hurdles to any SEO campaign.
1. Your Website is not optimised for conversions
Not only is this is one of the most commonly overlooked aspects of an SEO campaign (or any digital marketing campaign) – it’s also (for my money) the most important.
And that’s because if your site isn’t clear, efficient and optimised for conversions no amount of traffic is going to make an impact on your leads and revenue.
“It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling your traffic.” – Jeff Eisenberg
Unfortunately, as it’s not technically anything to do with SEO, it is easily ignored.
And that’s why you need to be careful.
A lot of SEO agencies will wax lyrically about the importance of traffic numbers (and acquisition), ranking spots and keywords without considering what happens once a potential customer actually reaches your website.
Now don’t get me wrong, acquiring new targeted traffic and climbing rankings is exactly what you aim for in an SEO campaign – but it’s arbitrary if that traffic doesn’t actually convert.
That’s why a good (and trustworthy) SEO agency will always take the time to research your business website before agreeing to start a campaign.
**Want to know how to choose the right SEO agency? I wrote an article you can read here that outlines the major factors you need to know.
Is Your Site Built For Conversions?
Use this quick checklist to test your sites conversion score:
1 – Your site has an easily recognisable CTA immediately available on the home page.
2 – ALL Your CTA’s link to your optimal conversion (email, telephone call, contact page).
3 – You have a very user friendly and easily navigable contact page.
4 – Your site is mobile optimised.
** Did you tick all the boxes? If you feel that your site is not truly optimised, our team of expert Perth web developers would be happy to have a chat about how we could help.
2. You’re not prepared to wait
Ask any client, one of the most off putting aspects of any SEO campaign is the wait. And it’s true, like a good wine or life long savings plan from a trusted financial advisor; SEO takes time.
But that’s because it’s worth it. While pay per click advertising like Google Adwords and Social Media Ads can create a sense of ‘instant return’, they simply aren’t made to last. As soon as you stop paying, you stop playing.
In fact this exact thing happened to a client of ours. Quality Appliance Repair Perth. one of Perth’s leading appliance repair technicians. Deciding to opt out of an Adwords campaign THE SAME DAY the phones stopped ringing. Luckily, in a few months, we were able to pull their SEO up and BAM, sustainable traffic that you can rely on . But it did take a few months to achieve this.
SEO however is a long game. And while it takes time to build website authority and for Google to notice of your site, once it does you’ll reap all the benefits of Adwords without paying a cent.
Of course, this means a certain degree of patience. And for some business owners it’s simply not possible. So if you feel you don’t have the 6 – 8 months (or even year) to start seeing the benefit of an SEO campaign then it may not work for you.
And that’s totally fine. As I mentioned above there are a number of ways you can get a good return on a digital marketing campaign right now.
**Don’t have time for SEO? Learn how to dominate Google Adwords now with this comprehensive beginner’s guide and get that revenue rolling in today!
3. You’re not going to create content
Another massive hurdle we see at Summit Web is that business owners simply do not have the time, patience or ability to create new site content regularly. And fair enough! Running a business is hard and time consuming. So spending 5 hours a week writing articles or filming videos is a bridge too far.
Unfortunately, if you fall in this boat you may find that your SEO campaign is stalling.
“Never lose sight of the fact that all SEO ranking signals revolve around content of some kind.” — Duane Forrester
And that’s because Google loves content. And I mean really loves it. In fact in Backlink.io’s recent search of over 1 million Google search results found that the highest ranking sites across the board all blogged at least once a week and with articles of over 1500 words.
That’s a lot of words…
If this is you, don’t panic!
There are still a number of ways that you can succeed in SEO – it may just be a case of savvy time management or intelligent outsourcing!
Here are the 3 best ways you can crank out the content:
1 – Dedicate one day a fortnight to getting it done.
Yeah we know, you still have to do it – but trust us spending a day only working on content can be one of the smartest things you can do. Not only does it give you time to get everything done in one fell swoop, it can also be a great opportunity to not only solidify what you know, but actually learn something new about your industry or customer.
This keeps your mind sharp and your knowledge completely up to date, both of which are massive when it comes to running a business.
It can also be fun!
Brew a cup of tea or open a bottle of your favourite and make a day of it.
**Want to learn how to write a 1200 word article in 30 MINUTES OR LESS? Check out our how to guide you can read right here.
2 – Consult an SEO Agency
If you find that you just can’t get those articles done, the next best thing to do is to consult an SEO agency. A good SEO agency will be able to help you create engaging, useful, fully optimised content that you can then use for your campaign.
The great thing? By having the agency take the reins, you’ll be able to step back and focus on your business stress free.
What’s more it may inspire you. We’ve had a number of clients that, after reading the blog posts we created for them, were driven to create content of their own.
3 – Hire a copywriter
Slightly different to an SEO agency, a copywriter will deliver you blog posts that usually are not SEO optimised or researched. Which is fine if you are happy to put in the effort to market your own blog posts.
While copywriters come in all shapes and sizes (as well as prices) our recommendation is to avoid any that are exceedingly cheap. They are that way for a reason.
The great thing is you can find copywriting services easily. Either locally or through hire per job websites like Fiverr or Upwork.
4. You’re not going to outreach
The last big hurdle we see in Perth businesses SEO campaigns is the lack of outreach. If you’ve read our comprehensive guide to SEO you’ll know just how important it is to your rankings to get your content out into the world.
Backlinks [are] extremely important Google ranking factor. We found the number of domains linking to a page correlated with rankings more than any other factor. – Brian Dean, CEO Backlink.io
However a lot of business owners find the concept of having to reaching out to other sites and businesses daunting. Which is a completely valid feeling, but leads inevitably to this aspect of SEO being constantly put on the back burner.
Yeah we know it’s initially not the most pleasant thing to do, but over time you’ll find that reaching out to other businesses for links or guest posts creates a strong relationship network.
This makes it both a) easier and b) more effective.
I know from experience that outreach can be a very rewarding experience in terms of network building and effect on SEO rankings.
But, if that simply isn’t for you then you may again need to assess which avenue to take in your digital marketing campaign.
Final Thoughts..
While these hurdles may at first dampen your enthusiasm for your SEO campaign, as you can see (with a little planning, work and help) you can easily overcome them.
Of course, if you feel yourself stuck, confused, frustrated or needing anymore information the team of SEO experts at Summit Web would be more than happy to have a chat!

Get in touch today
Contact us today to learn how we can help with your project.

Sean (Winston) Mann
Sean is a digital marketing coach and content designer at Summit Web. He started his career as a journalist but soon found his passion lay with helping businesses grow online. With extensive experience designing and managing successful digital campaigns, he is a go-to for businesses that want to maximise their leads online. Never one to rest, you'll catch him taking in music around town or even in the airport lounge.