Why Have A Website For Your Business | 5 Ultra Smart Reasons to Stay Ahead of the Curve

The advent of the digital age has transformed the landscape of the world dramatically, so if you’re thinking why have a website for your business, think again!

The Evolution of the Smart Customer – Why Have a Website for your Business

Customers today are more informed and aware than ever before. They do plenty of online research to purchase products that resonate with their needs based on their budget. Customers are far more likely to purchase products and services with enough information that enables them to make an informed decision.


why have a website for your business. Tablet with a business website and coffee cup. Also with ruler beside it. A web design workstation

Too many small business owners continue to believe that their businesses cannot benefit from websites citing added costs and overheads, but the reality is that you cannot afford NOT to have a website.

Owning a website may seem like a needless cost or perhaps you’re not a prolific web enthusiast yourself, but you cannot ignore the fact that nearly 83% of all Australian households has access to the Internet in some form or the other.

That’s a monumental business opportunity you could be ignoring without a business website.

Why Have a Website for your Business – Making Those Reasons Count

So, why have a website for your business? Here are some excellent reasons why your business needs to have a professional website – irrespective of your size. Don’t rely on old-age misconceptions!

1. Your Business Credibility is Automatically Boosted

Since consumers refer to the Internet to search for relevant services and products they need, your online presence will help you garner credibility with existing and potential customers.

You’re essentially assuring your customers that you’re not a fly-by-night operator who takes their money and disappears. Without a website, rest assured (or not) that customers will head over to your nearest competitor that does have a website.

You’ll want a website that gives you a professional image to inspire greater confidence with customers. This is particularly beneficial for small home-based businesses that may not have a storefront or display units to showcase their products and services.

2. Websites are an Economical Marketing Choice

Debunking your belief that a website causes money outflow, you’ll be surprised at how much more economical it is to run than the cost of traditional newspaper or television ads.

While you’ll need to spend on the cost of design and running, the price is small in comparison to traditional marketing channels – making this a cost-effective solution to promote your business in an increasingly adopted digital market.

3. Offers Real-Time Information on Updates to your Business

Think of your business website in the same manner as you would a brochure or catalogue. Every time you introduce a new product or service, you could let your customers know immediately, so they can take advantage of your early-bird offers. Waiting for the printers to finish your brochures and catalogues could take the ‘fresh’ out of your product, so rely on your website to provide real-time information about any business updates like upcoming events, new products and special promotions.

4. Represents your Business to a Wider Audience

Your key objective as a business owner is to earn profits for your business. Without a website, it’s unlikely that new customers will know about your products and services.

With the growing costs of real estate and other overheads, it’s almost impossible for you to survive on existing business, so you need to find a way to open up your business to new avenues and potential customers. A website will introduce you to new geographies you never knew existed – at no extra cost.

You never know – gradually your small local business will expand into a larger regional, national and global enterprise. Don’t undervalue the influence of the online world!

5. Enhances the Whole Customer Experience

Whether you’re selling a product or service, you’ll want satisfied customers that provide you with repeat business. An unsatisfied customer, on the other hand, has the power to shatter your business into little pieces.

When you’re running your business, you simply may not have the time to pick up the phone to answer customer queries every day or perhaps you can’t afford to employ someone to do that for you.

A website provides you with the perfect platform to reach out to your customers by allowing them to post their queries and feedback, so that you can improve your service quality to reflect their expectations.

By including a simple FAQ page, adding expert information, providing a feedback page and uploading bulletins, you will answer the queries of your customers and will keep them updated.

Still wondering why to have a website for your business? Summit Web is a professional Perth-based web design company that can help you build an exceptional website that reflects the tone and personality of your business to help propel you to the next level of publicity, productivity and profitability. When you work with Summit Web, you’ll never wonder why to have a website for your business again!

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